KidKare is the BHM schools preschool and school age child care program available at Hanover, Montrose, Northwinds, Parkside and Tatanka schools.
KidKare is a school based child care program for ages 3 - 12, located at our BHM Elementary Schools. We are open 6 am - 6 pm, Monday - Friday, on most non-school days and during the summer.
Extends your child's learning day while providing high quality care in a safe and fun environment. We offer flexible scheduling with before and after school care, non-school day care, and summer care. Our exceptional staff provide a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for your child to enjoy.
Full day care program for children ages 3 - 5 not yet in school. (Must be fully potty trained.) Our staff teach theme based activities that include social and emotional skills, academic readiness, art and science, and learning through play. We offer flexible scheduling with half day care, full day care and care that wraps around your child's Bison Preschool class.
More information on Bison Preschool classes, led by licensed teachers, can be found here:
Has your child participated in the Early Childhood screening process? More information on Early childhood screening can be found here:
A potty trained child is a child who can do the following:
Summer care is available in Buffalo, Hanover and Montrose. Our amazingly creative staff keep your child engaged all summer long with a variety of weekly themed activities that include outdoor play, gym games, arts and crafts, science, free choice and more.
Online registration is open 2 times per year; summer session and school year session. We have a 2 week priority window for our current families before opening it up to new families. We accept registrations until we are full, then go to a waiting list. We add registrations off the waiting list if we have the appropriate amount of staff and space to accommodate.
2025 Summer Registration Dates
Current families: February 25
New families: March 10
Current families: June 23
New families: July 7