KidKare is the BHM schools preschool and school age child care program available at Hanover, Montrose, Northwinds, Parkside and Tatanka schools.
This Parent & Teen Safety Presentation is intended for families registered in the BHM Community Education Driver's Education program. Only the student/teen needs to register. Please include the total number of parents/guardians that will attend in the registration question to ensure we have enough seating.
We highly encourage soon to be drivers and their parents to attend this presentation as part of their Driver’s Education training. The focus of the presentation is to educate the student and parents on the seriousness of teen driving, the real risk of teen crashes and what parents and teens can do to make things safer when new drivers are behind the wheel. The student fee is $10. Only the student needs to pre-register at or call 763.682.8770. Safe Communities of Wright County and Community Education will offer the presentation on the following dates: